Outlook Error 0x80004005 is one of the most frequently found errors in Microsoft Outlook software, but it is nevertheless frustrating and hardly even paralyzing to the Windows experience. But you would be happy to know that there is a way out.
This Outlook error code 0x80004005 can appear to many users every day, but not all users can troubleshoot the error. Yes, it is an irritating error that leads to happen in many events and cause trouble and difficulty. The user has the authority to Contact Outlook Customer Support to resolve this. The experts would help the user with the troubleshooting, but before that, the user can follow these steps.
What are the reasons behind Window 10 Error Code 0x80004005 on Outlook?
When this error happens, it is displayed as a ‘Window 10 Error 0x80004005 Unspecified Error’. The first job the user must do when attempting to fix this error is discovering what case it is. There are four basic principles of this error to which it is caused when using a Windows system. They occur because.
- Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x80004005
- Corrupt .dll file
- Microsoft Error
- Registry Key Error
Solutions for Outlook Error Code 0x80004005
Solution 1- Uninstall Antivirus
- The user first needs to open the start menu and then they should start for the search for “add or remove programs” options.
- Next, the user needs to tap on the search result called “Add or remove programs”.
- Now, the user needs to incapacitate the script blocking point of the antivirus. If the user would rather keep antivirus instead of getting rid of it, they can still fix this problem.
Solution 2- Disable the new email notification of Outlook’s
- The user needs to know that several Outlook users get hit and attacked by this issue were strong at fixing it by disabling the new email notification that Outlook performs whenever the user needs to receive a new email message. Therefore, the user needs to tap on the “Tools” option.
- Next, the user needs to navigate to the Preferences option and tap on the option that says “E-mail”
- Now, they should uncheck the option that says Display and a notification message would appear when new mail arrives option arrives. Then they need to disable it.
- Now, the user needs to tap on the option that says OK.
Solution 3- Create a new user account and delete your old one
- If the user does not want to suffer the Outlook’s new email notification or if Solution 1 does not operate for them, then they can also troubleshoot the problem by making a new user account (with privileges) on the system.
- Next, the user needs to go to the setting option in Outlook upon it with the related email address and then deleting the old user account.
These are some of the solutions which the user can use while they are troubleshooting the windows 10 error code 0x80004005. If they need more guidance and troubleshooting tips from the experts then they can contact the Outlook Customer Service Number. Their tips will definitely help you with errors and issues.